
The Morgan Foundation is welcoming donations through CanadaHelps.
Donations are made through the Algonquin & Lakeshore Catholic District School Board, a registered charity.
Use the form on this page to donate today. The School Board has partnered with CanadaHelps to process charitable donations.
All donations made through this method will receive a charitable receipt from the Algonquin & Lakeshore Catholic District School Board via email from CanadaHelps.
Attention STTM families! Go here for more information about recent and upcoming activities that are being made possible with Mo Funding!

Other methods:
The school board’s preferred method for donations is through CanadaHelps. However, there are other methods available.
For any of the following methods it is necessary that the donor provides reference to The Morgan Foundation and provides contact information if they would like a Charitable Tax Receipt from the board office.
Email Transfer to It is auto-deposit, no security question required. It is necessary that the donor provides reference to The Morgan Foundation and provides contact information if they would like a Charitable Tax Receipt from the board office. The receipt will be issued by the school in about 2 weeks.
Mail your donation or deliver to the school board in Napanee.
Cheque made out to “ALCDSB” and sent to:
Algonquin and Lakeshore C.D.S.B.
151 Dairy Ave., Napanee, Ontario K7R 4B2
It is necessary that the donor provides reference to The Morgan Foundation and provides contact information if they would like a Charitable Tax Receipt from the board office. The receipt will be issued by the school in about 2 weeks.