Morgan listened to and cared for everyone around her and always made sure everyone was included.

Remembering Mo
Morgan Jean Huigenbos passed on May 16, 2023 at the age of 39 after a short but courageous battle with cancer. Born in Brantford, Ontario, Morgan’s warmth and kindness won the hearts of everyone she met. As a kid, Mo created many lasting friendships by being involved in a number of activies and playing team sports. Through sport and the arts, she developed her grit and determination to go after the things she valued in life.
Morgan led her life with her heart, and in doing so, taught others to do the same. She moved with quiet purpose, always doing whatever was required to demonstrate the care and compassion she had for all those around her, never requiring thanks or recognition to confirm her impact. A natural athlete and art enthusiast, Morgan shared her gifts in her roles in childhood education, and strongly supported access to sports and the arts for all children.
Together with her family, Morgan led a fulfilling social life. She had a gentle and empathetic manner that drew in all those around her with a joy that was infectious. Her calm, patient, and tender approach provided comfort and support to her many family and friends – she was a beam of sunshine for others on an otherwise cloudy day. Morgan’s welcoming smile and legendary hugs will be missed by all who celebrated life with her, but especially her husband, Peter and their children, Emmet and Cordelia.
Because She Always Did
Morgan wanted all kids to be given a chance to try new things at school and take part in all activities.
Like many educators and parents, Morgan found ways to support students quietly, both financially and with her time.
Morgan was an athlete and an artist, an educator and volunteer, and the foundation in her name provides opportunities for all students to take part in sport and the arts without the barrier of cost. All students deserve equal access to these opportunities.
Growing up, Mo was given the opportunity to explore her many interests. The Morgan Foundation is a way to make these things more accessible to all.
Morgan's Legacy
Many of us strive to pay it forward and help others, just as Morgan did throughout her life.
The Morgan Foundation seeks to provide elementary school students with equal access to arts and sports activities outside of the classroom by removing financial barriers to participation.